A little suspension
Mowing the lawn? Sitting staring down at your laptop? Lying awake at night?
Whatever you are doing, pause.
Did you pause?
Is there any way you can come ‘up and back’ from what you’re doing at all? The other day I was mowing the lawn – which I sometimes love to do now that I live in the woods. But I was working HARD! And it felt great but I also didn’t feel super in control. I was getting exhausted and nowhere near done. I thought ‘up and back’ for a moment, and instantly, was fighting the lawnmower less, and my back felt STRONGER and more connected to my arms, the mower, my feet, the ground. And I found the stamina to finish my chore(ography). What are you doing right now, and what happens when you think ‘up and back’?
There is no right or wrong position you need to be in, or posture you need to find – what happens with that little thought of suspension…BALANCE!