Want to add a little more pleasure into your day?
““You can’t know a thing by an instrument that is wrong.” -FM Alexander
Over time, habitual movements can create stress on the muscles and nervous system, getting in the way of the sensory pathways going to and from the brain. These obstructions can make it difficult to notice details about our environment (was that sign blue or orange?), which makes it difficult to respond appropriately. In the AT work, we are looking to develop and integrate sensory awareness. It helps to let go of some tension so that we can actually become aware of what we are seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling.
So…choose just one activity in your day to check in with yourself. Brushing your teeth is a great one. Choose something you do often, like folding laundry, or sitting down to eat. Pause, notice what body parts are initiating the action, where you are sensing tension, and where are you already feeling even the tiniest bit of ease. Once you let go a little, you may start to notice how many things there are to notice…what you see, what is the temperature of the air on your skin, where do your clothes feel bunchy, where are they loose, what do you hear, smell, taste…? THIS is where the pleasure can come in if you let it – How gorgeous is that light, that vibrational sound of the washing machine, the release of my feet on the floor, the sound of my child laughing?