Jory Jory

ease into the day

“it is a wonderful and gentle way to ease into the day and it helps to peel away the residual stress that the body and mind has been compounding since the pandemic began. As soon as I finish class I can feel that my nervous system has been reset, and a welcomed calm inhabits my body and mind. As an artist it helps to temper the landscape for my studio work that day, and as a human it reminds me that living in one’s body can be a real pleasure if we take the time to listen to its needs. “

Janessa Clark, Pilates Teacher/Choreographer

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Jory Jory

aligned, focused and ready

 “Kate curates a safe, welcoming and comprehensive experience in Alexander Technique and somatic experiencing. Even in a remote environment, she still provides detailed cueing and individual feedback to participants. Her clear and joyful spirit permeates the practice and upon completion of class, I felt aligned, focused and ready to move through my day.”

Amanda, Professor of Dance

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Jory Jory

less effort, less pain, more ease, more natural grace

“Kate’s customized approach helped me become aware of and understand patterns of carrying and moving my body that I hadn’t even realized were contributing to general discomfort and unnecessary energy expenditure. As much a process of learning as it was unlearning unhealthy modes of being. Her practical methods and thoughtful suggestions have had a lasting impact that continue to inspire me to compose and move myself with less effort, less pain, more ease, more natural grace.”

Conor Simpson, Filmmaker

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Jory Jory

an intuitive and healing touch

“Kate Martel is a gifted practitioner with an intuitive and healing touch. Her verbal guidance is clear and responsive. I get the sense that she is actively listening to my body’s tendencies while directing my energy to a new place. I walk out of our sessions together feeling present and very connected to the sensations in my body. What we work on in our sessions impacts how I use my body in daily life and also while I’m dancing. I can hear her gentle cues in my head giving me the permission to check in with my body to find a greater sense of ease and length through my entire system.”

–Jennifer Sydor, Dance Artist and Pilates Teacher

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Jory Jory

calm receptive energy

“Kate’s persona radiates a calm receptive energy that immediately makes space for her students’ physical and mental presence. This calm, sure, gentle way of being carries through to her voice and touch, so that the student’s task is always clear (although it may be difficult to achieve). Through working with Kate I immediately found a greater sense of alignment through my head and neck- which was not only noticeably more ‘healthy’ but also more pleasurable.”

-Meghan Frederick, Dance Artist and Pilates Teacher

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